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A Sign From God

Before I dated my wife, I waited and prayed for 6 months in order to seek God’s will. It was one of the most difficult, yet most fun things I have ever done. Towards the end of the waiting period, I started to receive confirmations from God that I had his blessing to pursue and marry Jess. Some confirmations were subtle, some were obvious, and some were outright crazy. The following confirmation is one that really stood out as God speaking miraculously!

As you can imagine, waiting for something you really want can be very gut-wrenching.   One day, toward the end of the 6 months, I was having a particularly hard time. I was desperate for God to speak to me regarding Jess. So I prayed this prayer, “God give me a sign. If you want me to be with Jessica I need you to show me the words GO AHEAD.” Praying this prayer was a leap of faith because it was asking for a positive confirmation. I asked for something to happen. If nothing happened then it would mean that He did not want me to be with Jessica. But fortunately something did happen! I was driving on the freeway when I saw this billboard.

2010-12-17 11.17.11.jpg

At the time the movie Tron was out. So in my head I had the following dialogue with The Lord.

Ok Lord. Tron. Hmmmm. In Tron everything is glowing. Hey even that billboard looks like it is glowing. It has a glow...glow. If you say “glow” really fast it sounds like “go”! There it is! You gave me a sign that says “GO”, the first part of GO AHEAD.

I don't know if you could tell but at this point I was just kidding with God. I was desperate and grasping at straws. I was dejected. I had no confirmation. Or did I? Look back closely at the Tron billboard picture. There is a billboard in the background. It was the very next billboard along the freeway and what was on it made me spit the water out of my mouth. Well it would have if I was drinking water. So this was the next billboard.

It is an advertisement for The Chronicles of Narnia. The actual picture is A HEAD! Not only is it a head but it is the head of Aslan, C.S. Lewis’ (a famous Christian author) depiction of Jesus in his books. So there it was. Clear as day. GO AHEAD. Or “Glow a head”. I know some of you reading this think that it is ridiculous and that it doesn’t count as a sign from God. But when I saw that second billboard there was such a stir in my spirit and I knew it was Him talking to me. Remember what I Asked God for? I asked Him for a sign and He spoke through a literal sign on the road.